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Interestingly the ticket the OP owns will not disappear and can still be monetarily beneficial in some cases.

While the 49€ ticket is cheaper and has (way) more reach the "VBB Umweltkarte" has some additional benefits.


- in the evening (20:00) and on week ends you can take an additional adult as well as a child along for free

- it's not person bound so you can pass it to other people

This means that e.g. for a family of two parents and one child a single card is enough to cover all weekend family trips and when the child is to old to be covered it also normal has a "school ticket" which I think is free since some years(?).

Similar there are still other tickets of relevance, e.g. a ticket to be able to take your bike on the train (in areas where it's allowed and a separate ticket is needed).

But by itself I agree, especially for people crossing regional boarders in a unlucky way this ticket is a blessing. E.g. if you live close idk ~30min by care close to Berlin you often would have to get a Berlin ABC (or BC) + 2 regions ticket which is just supper expensive to a point where many people will not even consider it and just take a car. But this isn't because it need to be that expensive but because they have no lobby behind them which negotiated better tariffs. This was shown e.g. by Potsdam universities which negotiated a Berlin ABC + "ALL regions and cities in Brandenburg" ticket at a normal student ticket price.

Anyway I love it.

"VBB Umweltkarte" has some additional benefits

good point, but a lot of people will switch, and offers like these may want to lower the price to remain attractive.

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