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What is your bar for someone being a fascist? For me a fascist is someone who propagates fascist ideology and/or subscribes to a fascist view of the world. Whether they call themselves fascist is irrelevant (famously the word "Nazi" is short for their self-labeling of the "nationalsozialistische" party although there was no socialism involved with the fascism of the nazis).

Now do your research on that guy and his patron Peter Thiel there are enough public statements to make a judgment. Or do you think actual fascists do not exist?

The comintern defined fascism precisely as “the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic and most imperialist elements of finance capital”

Regardless of how you cherrypick facts, history as a whole is clear.

National-socialists were socialists. They celebrated the 1st of March worker's day together with other socialists, signed war pacts together with other socialist countries to "free non-socialist societies" and in general did about the same as any other socialist dictatorship, including mass murder/deportation of million humans as something normal.

Then comes the obvious: the founder of socialist ideology called fascism was for several years a die-hard socialist. In fact, was the chief-editor for socialist "news" during several years in a row. Similar to Stalin's career path with Pravda.

A few years down the road in power, socialists understand that socialism doesn't work and change. Same for the soviets, same for the cubans, same for the chinese, same for just about any socialist regime. They were all socialist, they opressed people just like all other socialist ideologies. Neosocialists today still try to disguise previous socialists regimes as "it wasn't real socialism".

It was socialism kind sir. We had enough of it here in Europe.

Thank you, but no thanks.

Of course. Which is why when the nazis came to power one of their first acts was to murder or jail all the actual socialists and communists.

I suggest you try reading from other sources that don't jibe with your preconceived notions.

To quote other socialists who came to power about the same time: "With Lenin dead, Stalin began a systematic elimination of those fighting to defend workers’ democracy": https://www.socialistalternative.org/2019/03/09/leon-trotsky...

You are pretending that socialists in power don't mass murder/jail other socialists in each regime. It is the norm for socialist regimes to do so, not an exception.

Let me make it a bit clearer.

Can you tell the difference between beer and root beer?

Then perhaps you can tell the difference between socialism and national socialism. Not the least of which is the alliance with fascist Italy. And please don't tell me fascism is socialism in some oblique way.

National socialism remains as socialism regardless of your feelings on the topic.

This is such a tired argument that doesn't pass historical muster

There's a whole section in the AskHistorians wiki on reddit, which is here:


One such answer is here https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/cwh8pi/comme...

There is no ground left to make the arguments you are advancing, which ultimately boil down to "the word was in the name". By that measure we really need to start hating on democracy, because everyone known what a disaster North Korea is, and they are a democracy. After all: it's in the name they chose for themselves - the people's democratic republic of korea.

Sorry, but tell this to someone who did not grow up as the grandson of an actual nazi, gew up in Austria and lives in Germany. We know our own history well.

There was no socialism during the nazi era. The people who really profited during that era were (as is a typical trait of facism) certain industrial capitalists that were aligned with the party. Look up a definition of socialism and tick the boxes, then do the same with fascism. Good luck.

Who cares if you are the grandson of a national socialist.

I'm the son of parents who survived socialist invasions. I'm the guy who married to a woman that lived herself under marxist socialist dictatorship, whose mother lived under national socialist dictatorship.

Refrain from babbering your personal feelings and abstract thoughts as if they were historical facts. There is NOTHING of abstract with socialism when it comes to implementation. Either nationalistic or international socialism ends up with the same bloody/corrupt result in the end.

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