Markdown does not have the same overlap with org-mode.
Many use it more like a Jupyter notebook.
External work flows would not be considered part of Markdown per se.
#+call: something(foo=bar, list=baz[,0]) this level of features just does not exist in Markdown.
It just depends on what you’re trying to do. That could easily be done with Python and your favorite pip packages in a markdown code block, including the export (and importing a list of servers from another named markdown block).
The benefits of org and babel are precisely that you can do it in whatever language you’ve written the rest of your literate programming document.
As with most of these spectrums, markdown is less powerful and less complicated. Babel is one of the more confusing parts of org mode.
That example is part of the tooling, not the format. One can do the same with markdown, just write the tool for it., a popular markdown-environment for example, has many extensions doing stuff like this. Similar has VS Code.
#+call: something(foo=bar, list=baz[,0]) this level of features just does not exist in Markdown.
Just not what it was designed for.