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Hats off to the KDE team for a really great release cycle. I understand that there were some licensing issues with Qt in the back half, but Plasma 5.27 really pushed the Wayland session into excellence. It's unclear what Plasma 6 is going to look like, but they've got a damn fine launchpad with the current KWin Wayland session.

I thought that Plasma 6 will look exactly like Plasma 5, the only change being the Qt version they depend on.

For the short term. Longer term they will make improving things and following whatever the next fad is - just like everyone else.

Probably, I don't anticipate many changes from what they've got right now.

I personally hope that one of the first new UI changes to land in Plasma 6 is support for rounded window corners in all corners, not just the titlebar ;)

You only seem half-serious, so I suspect there's something I've missed about KDE corner history.

Anyway, 'picom' can at least grind down those edges (or smooth out, depending on your point of view)

    #           Corners             #
    # Sets the radius of rounded window corners. When > 0, the compositor will
    # round the corners of windows. Does not interact well with
    # `transparent-clipping`.
    corner-radius = 5

    # Exclude conditions for rounded corners.
    rounded-corners-exclude = [
        "window_type = 'desktop'",
        "window_type = 'dock'",

There's an infamous very, very long dev discussion thread on the quo vadis of bottom corner trimming (with working patches) :-)

Thanks for much hoped for context )

I am mostly serious. I mean, it's not a huge deal, but it would look awesome :)

I guess maybe I could look into picom. There was also a third party kwin plugin that could do the same thing IIRC.

The picom version is kinda brute, basically crop corners right off.

Maybe a KWin plugin would do it more elegantly - but I guess such a plugin would also have an upper limit to radius... ;]

5.27 is the first KDE release in a while that has actually broken things for me. Fedora recently updated to it and the breeze theme broke, causing me constant crashes and glitchy window decorations.

Whenever I hear about completely broken KDE installs, it's Fedora in 90% of cases.

Yeah. In my case, the Discover app didn't fully update all of the packages like it was supposed to. Easy enough of a fix, though I doubt an average PC user would have been able to figure that out.

Discover really has never worked all that well for me when it comes to updating packages. I have used the terminal to install updates for a long time now, with both Ubuntu and openSUSE.

That's probably good practice, though I feel that the updater which pops up in your tray to let you know updates are ready should "just work".

I have a feeling PackageKit is to blame here, since I remember Gnome Software being just as bad.

Do not use GUI package managers except YaST. They are all terrible.

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