That note should be named "Thinking" to be honest. The goal is to collect a bunch of bullet points that I can read at any given time to remind me how to think better or common gotchas.
I enjoyed going through the cal. com handbook [1]. It provides a very high overview of the code base as well if that's of interest to you. There entire company is being built in public so it provides a great level of visibility into their operations [2].
Technically not a handbook, but recently I’m writing up a lot of the ideas we’ve been using to operate @ Hoping to turn it into a real book!
well then the handbook serves its purpose because we wouldn't want to waste any time interviewing someone triggered by a simple statement of how we do things
Some, many and very few, reach enlightenment, and invent stuff.
Many and very few corporations, get the opportunity to intercept the creation = legally, according to "corporate laws", opposite to "man laws", copyright those creations.
Many and very few of those inventions end up written in a book.
Many Books and very few are real.
This is why no company can have publicly available handbook - unless this company follows some of the creative commons laws.
By far Valve's handbook is the best, it's original, intelligent and perhaps most importantly: non-clichéd. Most other companies have put out a bunch of platitudes in their mission/philosophy section, though I'm sure they put a lot of effort into it.
Huh, I work for a huge Fortune 500 company and TIL that we don't really have a unified handbook. If you want to look up something (like paid time off) you have to go find where the web page for that thing is, which is probably in an entirely different part of the intranet site from something else (like official holidays).
That’s likely because at a F500 you have a lot of variation between jurisdictions (states, or worse nations) on pretty fundamental things like PTO, overtime, etc. So each has its own set of rules and HR helps communicate them (via handbook or other means like a sharepoint site or slack channel)