This is amazing. More devs should build stuff like this for themselves. On the extreme one of the scale there is the amazing Andreas Kling building his own operating system. Building a whole system will give you unprecedented control and understanding. That is what being a hacker is all about.
Well, nothing to keep hidden. DNSMasq, Syncthing, a tool which I developed that sends e-mails when things go wrong, etc.
The resulting infra is hidden, because it doesn't flow through any popular services or something. You can argue that Syncthing is using public discovery servers, but you can put it on a small VPS, and you'll have a complete off-the-grid installation of it, too.
I host it on an OrangePi zero, so it's unobtrusively small. It just vanishes somewhere at home.
It is. I still get awe inspired that some markup I type and put on this disk here can be accessed across the world. Like I can physically touch the tape if I want to. It reminds me of how wondrous this whole thing felt like when I first discovered the internet in the 90s.