I don't think advertisers and media care if you their consumers are rightist or leftist as long as they consume and the company find out what they are willing to pay for, be it weapons, "organic" food, propaganda t-shirts, survivalist stuff or magic stones.
Advertisers and media want to appeal to as broad an audience as possible, and have always avoided anythibg with an edge, especially one they don't carefully control themselves. Recently we see these efforts to edit out the edgier parts of books as being politically correct or woke. Before something like 30-40 years ago they were seen as conservative and religious. The exact things being edited out were somewhat different, but just as much aimed at making the works more conformant to the tastes of the time.
My point being, regardless of the exact details of the zeitgeist, busy bodies editing famous works to make it "more palatable" is a constant.