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> In my browser 400 per 60s would mean, that I have to wait almost 10 minutes, until they are all sorted.

There's always gotta be that guy that will come up with the most unreasonable and unbelievable usage of any tool, just to show how special they are.

No, you don't have 4,000 browser tabs open, nobody believes that.

More on the topic, since the title mentions GPT, I imagine it sorts them based on the content, like categories.

I have 156 windows in firefox (it tells you the number when you shut down), with (my estimate) 20-30 tabs in each.

So 3900 tabs.

@thegabriele don't know why it won't let me reply to you but...

I like using tabs because they keep the history of each tab. Bookmarks don't do that. If I just kept bookmarks, if the page went down I wouldn't be able to go back, and maybe find another way to find an archive of that page.

In Firefox I can search for tabs by typing, "% searchterm" into the url bar. Then I can right click on the back button to see how I arrived at a particular page.

If I know I'll want to come back to where I was, I'll mostly duplicate the tab (thus keeping the history), and then click on the link.

Alternatively I'll click a link using the middle mouse button to open the link in a new tab, but that doesn't keep the history.

I try to keep all tabs for a particular project or topic in one or two windows but clearly I'm very bad at doing that.

Firefox only loads background tabs when you click on them, so it's good for this kind of tab abuse.

My PC has 64Gb RAM and a 1Tb SSD, why should I ever have to close a tab??

sounds like you are using tabs as bookmarks

Tabs are better because they keep the history.

How can you manage such numbers? And...why?

I replied below, not sure why the reply button wasn't there for me before.

Give it a minute if there's no reply link, you usually can't reply to comments within a short while after posting.


Also... WHY?

I don't know, it takes real effort to curate your tabs below 100. Its very, very easy to not close tabs you don't use, these days, and at least one major browser just doesn't bother to load the tab if you haven't touched it in a while.

I know it seems hard to believe, but for a single topic its not unusual to have 10+ tabs open, when I do research on a topic I'm often hitting 20-30 tabs, and the more work you do the more you have open.

100 tabs per topic, lets say, and someone interested in 40 topics, I could see 4k tabs as reasonable. I would bet they only have 10 tabs actually activated/loaded, but.

What is the point of 4K tabs though? If everything is open, nothing might as well be open because it serves no utility in tracking what you’re working on, right?

I often get into the 30-50 tab range, and the majority of those are unused and I have to do a purge because I’ve long forgotten the context where I need them. I can believe someone might do similarly with more tabs, but no that many more XD.

The thing is, I want my bookmarks to be tagged properly, to make sure, that I will always find what I search, provided I enter anything relevant. Website titles might or might not contain all the useful search terms. Tagging takes effort. I am lazy, so I do not bookmark and tag everything right away.

I also use an extension to group my tabs into categories, which makes it much easier to handle the amount of tabs.

In Firefox you type "%" into the url bar, which will search all tabs.

Also you can right-click the back button to see the history of each tab. Usually that begins with a google search that reminds me what the context was.

I try to keep all tabs for a certain topic in the same window, or two windows if I want to tile them to view both. Obviously, I'm very bad at respecting such limits. :-)

>I try to keep all tabs for a certain topic in the same window

Have you tried tree style tabs?

No, I loved Tab Mix Plus but Mozilla killed it.

I get nervous messing with it too much in case I lose all my tabs.

I know I can manually backup/restore the file from the Firefox profile folder but I'd rather not mess with it.

Can anyone verify that tree style tabs works with an absurd number of tabs?

Have often gone at 2K+ (which maybe isn't absurd compared what others have opened) but max ~100 active rest being unloaded. Only issue had once was sidebar went into rendering loop on browser startup. Not sure what did to fix (should've maybe fill a bug report too) but lost the hierarchy so had to group them again. A bit time consuming due to the amount of tabs but not much since you can select and group multiple tabs.

This is just misusing your browser. That's what bookmarks or reading lists are for.

Bookmarks don't keep the history.

I use tabs to keep the history, so when I come back to that tab, I can right-click the back button and see how I got to that page.

I filed a year ago a couple of bugs because Firefox was crashing when I tried sorting 2000 tabs with two different extensions [1].

[1] https://github.com/mozilla/multi-account-containers/issues/2...

Honestly I do on a regular basis. Also that doesn't sound like a lot for a browser to maintain. Imagine opening most links in a new tab. That's how it happens and that's me.

No you don't.

As you can see from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iwgyzX-76g the browser becomes completely unusable with a few thousand tabs, and the experience is massively degraded way before that.

You also would run out of RAM way before opening 4,000 tabs, with most consumer boards supporting only a maximum of 128GB of RAM.

Before you continue digging this hole you should consider web browsers don't load all old tabs on startup. I have definitely had 2000+ tabs open and that didn't even slow down the browser as usually less than 100 or so are loaded at a time. I basically use tabs as bookmarks. Note that I use Firefox and not Chrome, and my tab usage is one of the reasons.

I don't know a way to check the exact number, but I'm 100% sure I'm over 2,000 tabs.

At work now so can't check but my PC at home has 64Gb RAM and up to half of that is used by Firefox.

I've noticed it gets unresponsive over 160 windows. I currently have 156 open (it tells you the number when you exit Firefox. Each of those windows has at least 20 tabs.

Firefox is good for an excessive number of tabs because it only loads the tabs when you activate them. Chrome is a memory hog.

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