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Microsoft have the advantage that people saw GPT2, GPT3, and ChatGPT and how those models progressed and improved. Bard is Google's first public AI product so it looks like GPT2 while Microsoft are teasing at GPT4. People will assume that Google are a long way off fixing the accuracy problem because there isn't any trajectory or iteration, while they believe Microsoft will crack it quite soon because they've already seen how things can change.

There's a lesson for founders in this. If you develop in secret and try to launch a perfect product then anything less that perfect is unforgivable. If you launch early with something that has obvious problems people will forgive them because they see the potential and trust you to fix them.

>people will forgive them because they see the potential and trust you to fix them.

That seems very optimistic to me. Having seen Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana, and Alexa I trust that changes will be made, some of them will even be positive, but generally a net negative until they are completely irrelevant.

Notice how neither of these announcements mention their digital assistants getting an upgrade to be less garbage.

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