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This seems like a great idea, thank you for sharing.

Are you aware of any notable caveats to using Boxxy, given the mount-based implementation? E.g., will this continue to work if you sync ~/ with other machines (rsync, FTP, SyncThing)?

> This seems like a great idea, thank you for sharing.

Thanks :D

> Are you aware of any notable caveats to using Boxxy, given the mount-based implementation?

System configuration to allow mount namespaces, tools might have to understand recursive paths, it's tested for my use-cases.

> E.g., will this continue to work if you sync ~/ with other machines (rsync, FTP, SyncThing)?

I haven't tried it! Would love to see what happens as that's unfortunately not a use-case I have.

In my experience doing weird things with mountpoints, there is almost always some bug that happens on reboot of the system. For example, if your mounts aren't in /etc/fstab, they simply won't be restored. And if you have a script that sets them up manually, then make sure that script runs on boot after any mounts it implicitly depends on.

Also note that any scripts with config stored in these mountpoints (which seems to be the point of the tool) will not be able to run until the mountpoints are up. That seems like an obvious observation, but it's easy to fall into a trap where one of your scripts installed with this tool is called in a setup script that runs on boot of your machine.

Yes, absolutely! Good points to be aware of; I should find a way to add some warnings about this to the README.

(earlier less-relevant comment was deleted)

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