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Show HN: Collection of CSS Creations (cssdeck.com)
165 points by binarydreams on Jan 16, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 36 comments

Wonderful site and idea, good design, maybe too twitter-bootstrappy. Anyway I love it and I've subscribed inmediately.

I have noticed a subtle bug, if you check the rss, the links of the articles link to this:

When the actual url on cssdeck is:

Please correct that so that I can happily consume the RSS feed :)

ouch! haha, thanks for pointing out - it's fixed.

Wonderful work! It would be even better if you can add browser compatibility for each item.

Absolutely. Came to the comments just to say that.

Also, would be nice if it remembered which "load more" page you had open in a cookie or something so when going "back" after looking at one in more detail, I don't have to click Load More again to get back to where I was.

Fantastic site. Keep up the good work. Definitely bookmarking.

this is a great feature, i will surely look into it and implement. thanks!

When you create an item it asks for browser compatibility. So i have that data stored in the Database, just need to figure out how to display in a nice way without breaking the design!

Oh I would love that too!

Great work! I've been looking for a collection like this. I've got something I'd like to submit, but I'll need to figure out a good way to make it work as a snippet first: http://peterjmags.com/css3-animated-type/

that's an amazing creation! I just made a pastebin of your code in the playground - http://cssdeck.com/t/nEMqir - Maybe now you can just strip down the code if needed and submit ? :)

Hey that's pretty neat...

I made a cute little animation of a glowing halo... not as fancy as many of the submissions on there - but if you think it appropriate I'll whack it up.


I think it is appropriate. Maybe spice up a bit and add vendor prefixed version of various CSS3 properties and add it to the collection. Good Luck!

Good stuff,

What would be super useful is something that tells you what it looks like on older / other browsers, you've obviously thought about this with the image shots, but many images are missing.

Perhaps some sort of integration with browsershots or even just a text compatibility chart?

I have been thinking quite a bit on this particular area. I'll display some of those info per item very soon. Also some of the items are missing images for IE7 and IE8 only if those versions do not render the creation at all or break them to such an extent that the item is no more usable.

Ah nice one, perhaps some text to say that would be useful as well.

Another idea is to ask the community to post compatibility and/or hacks to make them work.

All and all a very useful resource in any case!

Heh. I clicked the first item. Then I saw a page with a big download button and some code. I thought "hmm, it would be nice to see a live example...". And then I realized that the big download button was the example :)

Overall, I really like this idea.

Thank you SOOOO much for creating this. This is so valuable for me as a developer+designer.

Consider charging for it. I'd gladly pay $5/mo, if you had 10-20 new posts every month

umm, i did'nt have any plans to charge, but now maybe i'll think about it.


I don't see how it's similar -- dribble is about other designers and their creations, revealing nothing about the underlying css/graphics.

If you want to discover a new designer, you go to dribble. If you're a designer yourself, you go to cssdeck to improve your craft :)

Sure. I hear that. I was just taken back by how similar to dribbble it was in it's initial look and feel. I think I may have spoken too soon though admittedly before I understood the site. I didn't understand the site iniially upon landing there.

Edit: didn't mean to delete the earlier post, typing on an iPhone at 4am :/

you think something can be improved/added to make the site more understandable from the HomePage ? I ask this because if you can be mis-leaded, then some other user/visitor can also be mistaken. any thoughts ?

this is probably the best feedback - http://pastie.org/3194809 :D

I was wondering when something like this would be made. Thanks. Hope lots of people contribute.

i am also hoping so :D

Really nice! I'll be using some of these for sure! Thanks for sharing the incredible work!

most welcome!

Hey that's really nice. Has a demo and the snippet right there. Great work!

thanks :)

great work!

small question, where do you check the implementations for the special properties? the ones starting with -webkit -ms -moz, etc.

it must be a pain in the arse to write the same stuff 4 times!

http://css3please.com :)

Also i have plans to make /a lot/ of tools to help even more! :D

Is there a clean way to do menus in css, to replace superfish?

ofcourse there is, stay tuned and I will submit in a day or two :)

many people wanted to donate (or pay in some form). So i added a donation Paypal email at the bottom most part of the sidebar for now.

wow this is fantastic! thanks for sharing.. bookmarked.

Really well done!

thank you :)

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