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While I agree with your point, I think the deeper detail is that, in order to solve the difficult problem, you've just got to find the person that can deal with the banks. So in this case, the schlepp is not necessarily working out a deal with the bank yourself, but going through the work to understand the deal, and then going through the work to find the right person to make the deal happen.

It rolls up into the overall point which is not that everyone should try and do a payments processing system, but that most of the ideas that are probably worth doing are those that have a significant amount of difficulties involved. And that, to execute the worthwhile idea, you'll have to figure out the problem somehow, and not just switch off because you don't have x - whatever that is, whether a person, a skill, a contact or a social network.

If you want to find the fresh powder you've got to hike up the hill that nobody else can be bothered with because it looks too hard.

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