| | Show HN: Collection of Math and Puzzle Games created by a 14yo (thegamebox.ca) | |
3 points by gurvinder on Feb 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
| | My 14 year old son was frustrated with "Fun" math games as they were not really fun. So he started building his own games in p5.js and recently he launched these games. He has been making these games since he was 10yo, so there is a progression in quality. Last game he made is not a math game but a puzzle game (Red Remover), which he used to play and love when he was very young and was no longer available. He has done all the graphics as well for these games. I posted this as a comment on another ShowHn and got good response and comments which he was very excited to read. So I decided to do a dedicated Show HN post for his website. |
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edit: just found out there is even a level maker ! edit: A bit sad that this Show HN didn't gather more attention at the time, just found it when searching for something else