Nitpick but statements like
“this is why we have resorted to clothing ever since we left our origins in Africa (where it was hot enough to survive without additional layers of clothing).”
really make me question the basic intelligence of the author.
Nonetheless, there is some odd distortion there, with short circuits: the author relates «hair (or feathers)» to «heat transfer», but some argue that hair - that humans did in fact keep - is a protection against insects (to feel them as they "land"), before heat conservation; and on the same line the reason to leave the eastern African peri-rift was to escape insects (and other pests), which resist less in colder climates. The topmost human killers include, after mosquitoes, bugs and flies. Hair is not a protection from canids, but they remain near the top of human killers and cold climates reduce the threat coming from strays, and some types of clothing can offer some protection.
Clothing is not just a matter of heat conservation.
A negative remark without any details is just an insult, not a criticism.
Insult my basic intelligence as well, but I personally think the fact that we are the only non-tropical ape is interesting and relevant. Even amongst primates in general there are very few that have ever made it in temperate areas and they never got as far as us. All this despite us not having fur
really make me question the basic intelligence of the author.