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A friend of mine really liked the way the Cray-2 case looked. Those were hard to find, but when Tera was selling the empty case of a Tera/Cray MTA, he bought it for slightly more than $100. The MTA case is a blue, wavy plastic shell [0], about 5x8x7 feet (LxWxH)

He put his computer desk inside. He got tired of it within a few years and then used it as a garden shed for a while.

That case was odd because the wave shape was quite unnecessary. I guess someone told the designer "design a case, but don't just make it a rectangular box." Someone at Tera mentioned that it cost $60k to make. Presumably that's for the first one and subsequent copies were cheaper (I hope.) Inside the plastic shell was an extremely sturdy metal frame. The sides of the shell were held in place by electromagnets in the frame that were powered when the thing was plugged in. So the case had one power plug, and the machine had its own separate power supply. The machine itself used a lot of power and I think it needed more than just an ordinary 120/240V connection.

[0] https://imgur.com/a/x19zhIv

One place I worked had the storage array cabinet from a Connection Machine, which was outdated by that time, sitting in a lobby area.


They sometimes used the cabinet as a bar counter at VIP events (with uniformed catering service bartender behind it, in the curve). I assume most people didn't know they were getting handed their glass of wine over a piece of history. I only knew because I recognized it and took a closer look.

Were those actually "das blinkenlights" on the front?

I think the curved cabinet in the background was the storage. It was a supporting role.

The CM visual/industrial design, including a little about das blinkenlights, is discussed by the designer, Tamiko Thiel, at: https://tamikothiel.com/theory/cm_txts/

A Cray-2-like chassis would be a decorative way to arrange a cluster of GPUs. You don't need to gut a Cray-2: you could build a similar chassis. I'd be tempted to first try riveting an angle-bar frame, mount the GPUs with liquid cooling blocks and mobos and PSUs and networking, plexiglass, get some opaque plastic panels cut with windows, find some off-the-shelf pieces to round the corners, try to do the PCIe and Ethernet/fiber cabling aesthetically...

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