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ACLU: 92% of Gitmo detainees were not Qaeda fighters. 86% turned in for a bounty (aclu.org)
77 points by jerrya on Jan 12, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I submitted this, and I think it's a terrific and important graphic, but maybe it demonstrates why infographics are not sufficient in presenting this information on the net, in that there appears no way for google or bing or duckduckgo to find it, or the information on it.

It doesn't show up in google searches for ACLU Guantanamo or ACLU Gitmo or ACLU Al Qaeda. (Maybe it will after some time.)

Some of the information within is put in the source as meta data, but not all of it.

The information itself is interesting, but as an infographic it's actually pretty terrible. Nearly all of it is just text that happens to be laid out in an image. The only graphical element is the comparison of prisoners released by the Bush and Obama administrations, which isn't all that useful since Obama has only been in office for three years; a bar graph arranged by year would've been better.

It seems more like an example of how the current trendiness of infographics can lead to hapless attempts at applying the format when plain old HTML and CSS can do exactly the same job (and be search-indexable to boot).

What really stood out for me is the realization that children are imprisoned at Guantanamo. And we're not talking infants, but 13+ kids.

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