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This sounds a lot like building a car by attaching an engine and a steering wheel to a frame, and worrying about addressing problems (such as seats, gear switching, seatbelts, airbags, doors, windshield, ...) only as they occur.

Which I guess is kinda fine if you're building slow go-karts to do friendly races with your neighbor in their backyard - but instead you're already letting those out on the open roads on day 1.

You've just described 100 years of car evolution.

Similar to software architecture, you do start by defining the preferred characteristics and then working your way to the other parts.

> You've just described 100 years of car evolution.

On purpose. You can't build a car today that ignores these learnings, and safely deploy it on the open roads; just like you can't build what's effectively an open relay like it's 1997 and expect to stay safe against the threats outlined by nine_k.

You can build software on protocols like this.

Your analogy fails at the mere fact that no physical harm can result from Nostr not solving this one thing you think is 100% necessary.

The fact that Nostr is up and running and working is the undeniable fact that you don't NEED to solve every single problem known to humankind before you write some lines of code.

> You can build software on protocols like this.

I've never denied this. You can also DIY a go-kart and drive it on an open road.

> Your analogy fails at the mere fact that no physical harm can result from Nostr not solving this one thing you think is 100% necessary.

Notice how you've specifically used the term "physical harm" to differentiate from other forms of harm. Harm is harm.

> The fact that Nostr is up and running and working is the undeniable fact that you don't NEED to solve every single problem known to humankind before you write some lines of code.

...Where did I try to deny this? My analogy is very specific in that you can do all of these things, and with enough luck, nothing bad will happen.

The problem with luck is that it doesn't scale well, especially on the open road. I mean, Internet.

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