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This is the release notes of a free software project.

While it's fair to criticize that the release notes are hard to understand for end users, accusing the authors of "gatekeeping" makes no sense here.

> This is the release notes of a free software project.

Ironically, this statement is _also_ incomplete. It is missing key details that are meant to be inferred from 'free software project'.

> accusing the authors of "gatekeeping"

"Accuse" illuminates the core failure on my part. Gatekeep was the wrong word choice, as it implies _intent_. I do not believe that the release note writer has intentionally left out details.

I'm pointing out that many of us rely on too much assumed knowledge in our writing.

I personally make an effort to write and speak in manner that is understandable even to someone with low domain knowledge and context. I have observed that this skill has been important to my career. Because of this, I am particularly aware of instances where a writer has left out key details in their writing, because I often fill that void for the other stakeholders.



>the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.

>the activity of trying to control who gets particular resources, power, or opportunities, and who does not:

Who is trying to control anything? Wine developers have explained PE vs elf in the past (I think even in some past release notes). This is like trying to accuse a math paper of gatekeeping because it uses notation you don't understand.

Jargon is a thing.

You're right, gatekeeping was the wrong choice of word. I apologize for this mistake.

> Jargon is a thing.

Here's a link to a news article discussing how jargon can be a gatekeeper of knowledge [0].

To be honest, that wasn't even my point but that a specific counter example to your claim being available is hilarious.

[0] https://feminisminindia.com/2021/05/12/academia-jargon-gatek...

I'm unfamiliar with the term "jargon". Would you mind not gatekeeping this knowledge? /s

At some point, people have to assume a certain level of knowledge. And as you implied with your article, there's nothing stops someone from Googling jargon for more context. Others have pointed this out, but the Wine devs have talked extensively in other materials about these concepts. This is a REALLY good article about how Wine works with kernel modules end-to-end: https://wiki.winehq.org/Wine_Developer%27s_Guide/Kernel_modu...

And if THAT doesn't make sense, keep adding to the stack with more web searches and videos.

I just don't know how else someone would expect to get into a topic like this. Plus, these are _release notes_, not learning materials.

Being online doesn't change basic social etiquette.

People are giving you stuff for free, they are not forcing anything on anyone. Even if you don't enjoy their stuff, be polite and let them have a good time with people who do like it.

And that means they are beyond constructive criticism?

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