If you are hacking on this today, you can use this starter repo to get a LaTeX project setup that builds and publishes your document with GitHub Actions: https://github.com/makenew/latex-project
Just checked your CV and it seems like the PDF version has several typos, specifically it says you are CTO at Meltwater when I think you meant at Pureskill.gg and is missing the entry for Seam
I made mine based on an ancient cls file years ago, update it every year or so and it's worked great. Repo is also public (you can click on the PDF to see what it looks like) at https://github.com/sbrother/resume.
If you are hacking on this today, you can use this starter repo to get a LaTeX project setup that builds and publishes your document with GitHub Actions: https://github.com/makenew/latex-project