The javascript[1] that's adding/removing the umlaut really messed with me for a bit. I was wondering what was broken with my browser/gpu/monitor/whatever when I noticed it in the footer, first.
That’s awesome! This is what I like to call internet art, and it reminds me of the vibe of the old internet, the way it used to be before social media like Facebook etc became a thing.
Kudos to the author!
I recently tried to do something similar on my own website. In terms of bringing back fun and exploration I mean.
My own website has very little content as of yet though.
The most relevant part of my website here is a directory listing of text files that I have. But it only has a couple of files in it yet. One of which is a json file actually because I allowed myself to compromise a little on what is acceptable as “text”.
I might compromise a bit more soon, in order to make the viewing experience for that section of my site more enjoyable on mobile devices. After all, the goal is not specifically for me to restrict myself technologically to the web as it was, but more so to be about like I said, a general vibe of fun and exploration.
I want my site to be something someone can run across randomly, be intrigued by, and find themselves exploring for some time. And preferably that I will make enough content that visitors will come back the next day or the next week to explore a bit more.
(Hacker News renders it as described in the article, but once you navigate to it your browser will show it)