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No kids. I wake up at 7:30am, walk the dog, then exercise (choose one: 30 minute run, 60 minute walk, 60 minute lift weights). Quick shower, then breakfast/protein shake. First meeting between 9 and 9:30. Lunch at noon. I mix it up with leftovers, a PB&J sandwich, or walking to a nearby restaurant to get something.

In the afternoon, 1pm-5pm is usually back to back meetings. Right at 4:58pm my dog walks into my office and starts whining. 5pm-6pm is walking the dog with my partner and general just decompressing from work. 6-7pm is cooking dinner, and 7-10pm is whatever we want, usually binging whatever TV show we want. In bed by 10:30, read til 11:00-11:30, sleep.

My work schedule is usually pretty packed, so I'm very busy from 9am-5pm.

I like being busy, but this schedule does make me feel like I'm maxed out on time. I'd love to write a book or learn a new skill or take up a new hobby, but I can't really see a time to squeeze it in without giving up something else. (My 7-10pm is technically "free" time, but I really enjoy spending time with my partner, and if I give that up for another hobby or something, it just feels wrong to me.)

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