I've got a bunch of moving parts in my system, including realtime (5-minutely) energy pricing. If it looks like it's going to be cloudy tomorrow I put my thumb on the scales to make it more likely that my system will buy power from the grid to top off the battery so I can ride through any price spikes.
I don't have the stats chops to determine whether I'm actually saving any money with this approach, but it sure is a lot of fun.
I've got a bunch of moving parts in my system, including realtime (5-minutely) energy pricing. If it looks like it's going to be cloudy tomorrow I put my thumb on the scales to make it more likely that my system will buy power from the grid to top off the battery so I can ride through any price spikes.
I don't have the stats chops to determine whether I'm actually saving any money with this approach, but it sure is a lot of fun.