Oh, also, I think I've read the entire Discussions thread on this PEP, and from what I can tell, the PEP is missing champions who are eager to push it forward.
Part of the problem, I'm guessing, is that the PEP kind of sits in a weird space, because it's not up to the PyPA to "approve" it, or whatever -- PEPs are approved by the Python Steering Council.
Per Brett Cannon (Steering Council Member):
> Either consensus has to be reached (which it hasn’t) and/or someone needs to send this to the SC to make a decision (although it is a weird PEP in that it also impacts packaging, so it isn’t even clear who would get final say).
Part of the problem, I'm guessing, is that the PEP kind of sits in a weird space, because it's not up to the PyPA to "approve" it, or whatever -- PEPs are approved by the Python Steering Council.
Per Brett Cannon (Steering Council Member):
> Either consensus has to be reached (which it hasn’t) and/or someone needs to send this to the SC to make a decision (although it is a weird PEP in that it also impacts packaging, so it isn’t even clear who would get final say).