I feel it holds some applicability to current events. It does however contradict another wise saying, from Shaka Zulu, “Never leave an enemy behind or it will rise again to fly at your throat.” I favor the former.
Interestingly, the letters to Canaan are written in a mixed Canaano-Akkadian language[1], not in a Canaanite/Hebrew. It is a mixed language with predominantly Akkadian vocabulary and Canaanite grammatical features. It used the cuneiform writing system of the Akkadian language. To the north in Ebla city-state there was another East Semitic language - Eblaite [2].
My speculation would be that Canaan's elite was either Akkadian, or at least they were educated/influenced from there. This is also aligned with the Biblical stories that mythical Abraham come to Canaan from Mesopotamia/Sumer.
I feel it holds some applicability to current events. It does however contradict another wise saying, from Shaka Zulu, “Never leave an enemy behind or it will rise again to fly at your throat.” I favor the former.