This is coarse-grained propaganda, if I ever saw one!
As a commenter on Boing Boing says:
"""Yeah IMO stories like this one are useful in preparing the public's psych & emotions for the upcoming US "let's display bi-partisan foreign policy" other words, for Obama & his Secdef Gates' planned attack on Iran.
Any secret special US Forces ops going on right now? Or are your "journalists" doing their "patriotic duty" by looking away, to enable another War?
How do you distinguish between those Iranians it's OK for the USA to attack or maim or kill and those who aren't? Are only employees and civil servants of the State of Iran and those who actively oppose US control/diktaat over Iranian domestic policy "fair game"? Or is it only those Iranians who happen to live in Iran ? Or those opposed to the views of "freedom-loving" Iranians living in foreign exile?
I think the USA/Western media should STFU about Iran, and and instead direct their efforts at getting NATO and the US Armed Forces to immediately stop killing Asians.
This would show their humanitarianism, if not their usefulness...."""
Designed to let the viewer with the impression that those blogs support toppling the government, changing their way of life etc. It basically uses the notion of having a blog as axiomatically meaning that.
Have you read a lot of those actual blogs, not just the selected few celebrated in our media?
> Have you read a lot of those actual blogs, not just the selected few celebrated in our media?
I read books about Iran, watch Iranian cinema, and in a few days I'm hopefully getting my visa, so I couldn't care less about comments on boingboing or propaganda in American media, as my subject of interest exceeds their international affairs. But I know what's your point (from the previous post), and we probably share a common view on that, I was just a bit surprised you put a label on activism that they're idiots, just because mainstream media selectively presents only information targetted at idiots. And the video was just to illustrate the numbers of online activity from Iranians, nothing else.
a few hundred?? rly? idiots???