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America used to be a country that understood production. Today, America has become a has-been country mired in divisive politics and systematic enrichment of vested interests.

The solution is simple guys.

1. Produce unlimited number of doctors, nurses, insurance companies, drugs. Flood the market with healthcare practitioners.

2. Remove all unnecessary paperwork and regulations. Let doctors start private practices like a startup. Let them charge a fee without insurance. Let insurance compete with prices on the street.

Another way to think about this is, use the dentist model for doctors.

I know 50% of the population will comment about "fraud" and "eligibility". But guess where we are with all the "fraud protection" today.

Or we can copy just implement universal healthcare like everyone else.

Seriously literally every other developed country has single-payer. The only reason the US doesn't is we got unlucky with how Healthcare originated in the US. For us it started as workers comp, as opposed to other countries where it started as Healthcare.

I like point 1, but point 2 sounds like a nightmare.

Point 2 is very important. All the prior authorization paperwork, forms, sequence of tests are not necessary. Those are imposed by regulations and insurance on the providers. Outcomes are not any better due to that.

You don't need to go much further than Asian countries to see how less paperwork makes things move fast.

Removing unnecessary paperwork and the private insurance model altogether is great. Removing regulations and reasonable standards of care for doctors is the nightmare.

Yes, there are two types of bureaucracy. It is not too hard to figure out which of them is unnecessary garbage.

Reasonable standards need to exist. But asking patients to drive an hour to sign a document for a treatment 4 months later is not acceptable.

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