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You're about a decade behind in neighborhood stereotypes there boomer.

True, we should ignore williamsburg because it's basically just hoboken now

I'm not a boomer, but fuck you very much for saying so.

I say that not to be mean, but "boomer" has become a slur and I prefer not to be insulted unless it's actually accurate.

I have been in Hipster doofus land[0] in the past few years and most of what I experienced reinforced my stance.

I will continue to try to avoid it.

[0] I'd love to say I made that nickname up, but I didn't. Works for me though.

Edit: Touched on the source of a wonderful moniker.

You complain about being called boomer while simultaneously reducing an entire neighborhood to "hipster doofus land". That's some real boomer stuff.

One is an objective thing (boomers are those born between 1945 and 1962) and the other is subjective (Williamsburg, Billyburg, Hipster Doofus Land) labeling.

The first isn't the case (I was born after 1962) and the second is a matter of opinion.[0]

But please. Do continue to pile on. I don't want to take away one of your few pleasures in life.


[0] Here's another one for you: If you can't put New York, NY after your address, you don't live in New York.[1] Have at that one too, friend.

[1] As a NYC native, I note that I've lived in every borough except Stagnant Island (for obvious reasons) over the past 50+ years. As such (no Dunning-Kruger[2] effect necessary, can you make such a statement?), I am entitled to make such pronouncements.

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

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