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Counterpoint: A $10 large "brooklyn" pizza from Dominos today is vastly better than any Pizza Hut or Dominos pizza ever was in the 90s. Not as good as a pizza from a halfway decent independent pizzeria, but half the price.

That's only because Dominos infamously, sometime during the 2010s(?), ran a campaign that amounted to "Our current pizza sucked, but we've got a new recipe that's better."

Yeah I occasionally get caught in the trap of trying their Brooklyn crust and every time I come to the conclusion that it's a lackluster disappointing product that isn't in any way different from any of their other pizzas in terms of quality. I've maybe had dominoes 2 times in the last 5 years which is why I keep forgetting XD

They tricked me once. I was hoping for something akin to Pizza Hut's short-lived early-'00s "Big New Yorker", which wasn't really like NY pizza but was a lot better than everything else PH was serving at the time. Nope, just as bad as their regular pizza.

The crust is what you see, but it's the sauce and cheese you taste.

Imho, crust on pizza is like rice in sushi: greatness starts there.

Sauce >> crust >> cheese >> toppings

What's weird is I was around for that, was in college and ate Domino's pretty regularly at the time, and everyone seems to believe it was indeed a lot better, but I thought it was a ton worse than what they had before. Just tasted like a lot more MSG and oregano.

I felt the same way. When I was in my early 20's, little caesers had $5 pizzas, so of course Dominos did $4 pizzas. One topping, large. Believe it or not, both were decent. No, nothing compared to NY slices or what have you, but good enough.

I tried Dominos after the 'realignment' and found it much worse than I remembered. But, it could be I hadn't eaten there in a few years prior...maybe it went from good, to bad, to ok in that timespan?

I struggle to imagine a savory food that can't be improved with more MSG and oregano.

I think they were right. Their standard crust is still trash that scrapes up my mouth, but the "brooklyn" crust is passable.

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