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None of this is accurate, from everything I've read about these events, I haven't found any evidence of him lying or fabricating claims, unless you consider lying by omission, whereby he didn't volunteer negative things during interviews. Some may consider that unethical, but I strongly disagree with that perspective. Nobody has a responsibility to volunteer negative information about themselves when it impedes their own life goals. There is a longstanding legal and philosophical precedent for this- consider for example the 5th amendment. People volunteering negative info about themselves are generally socially dysfunctional and suffering from low self esteem, not being ethical or honest. I see this a lot with people that are serially unsuccessful in both business and dating- they will spew out every mistake or negative about themselves to people they just met, and turn them away before they get a chance to connect, doing themselves a grave injustice. Fuller was doing important work, and he had an ethical responsibility to portray it in a positive light, such that humanity could realize it's benefits.

Moreover, your posts seems to be consistent with a recent popular trend to smear the image of inventors of the past with misinformation. I believe this is symptomatic of a terrible cultural trend whereby all accomplishment and success is seen as a type of theft, rather than understanding that it's often contributing real value to humanity. It is my belief that this is driven by a desire to rationalize nihilism and mediocrity.

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