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If you are interested in running what is referred to as a 'solo' validator, it isn't that difficult if you already have some linux sysadmin experience. There are several good guides around setting up the physical hardware, the node software, generating the validator key(s), making the staking deposit and then running the validator.[1][2][3]

Then there is a very helpful community called EthStaker - they have a subreddit at r/ethstaker and a discord (invite should be available in the subreddit).

If you want something a little more automated, Dappnode is a well regarded web based front-end and the Rocketpool node stack makes things very easy to be an operator for their pool using a TUI.

There are a lot of options, with a wide range of requirement and capabilities.

[1]https://www.coincashew.com/coins/overview-eth/guide-or-how-t... [2]https://someresat.medium.com/ [3]https://eth-docker.net/

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