Getting some sort of employment should be the first step. Work fills a large part of one's waking hours and is beneficial insofar as having some structure in life is concerned. Even if it is somewhat beneath your ability, having a job that helps you fill your days and get a small sense of accomplishment will do much more than any therapy or introspection will, all things considered.
If you are gainfully employed, you will find that your social circle will also start coalescing around you, and some benefits will follow.
Once you are employed, you can consider therapy. Do not neglect dating or forming romantic attachments either. It is much harder at age 43 but not impossible if you keep expectations in check. But I do not think therapy in the absence of basics is of much use.
If you have a job, you can use money from the job to visit the US (assuming you have a visa or can obtain one), and get a taste of the life you miss for a few weeks every year.
If you are gainfully employed, you will find that your social circle will also start coalescing around you, and some benefits will follow.
Once you are employed, you can consider therapy. Do not neglect dating or forming romantic attachments either. It is much harder at age 43 but not impossible if you keep expectations in check. But I do not think therapy in the absence of basics is of much use.
If you have a job, you can use money from the job to visit the US (assuming you have a visa or can obtain one), and get a taste of the life you miss for a few weeks every year.