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It's divisible by 3 , because 6

To say this in more detail, it’s observed that any number with digits adding up to multiples of 3 is divisible by 3



For any integer base B greater than 2, the multiples of the number B-1, when represented in base B will always have the sum of the digits be a multiple of B-1. If B-1 is a square number (4,9,16,...) then the square root of B-1 will also have this property.

(the following node has a proof)

> If B-1 is a square number (4,9,16,...) then the square root of B-1 will also have this property.

In fact, if d is any divisor of B-1 (including a trivial divisor), then d will have this property. (The author of the proof on the page you linked to is aware of this, but the author of the original conjecture isn't. For example, the reply notes that the digital root test for divisibility in hexadecimal works for 3 or 5, which are divisors of 16-1=15, regardless of the fact that 15 isn't a square. It also works for 1 or 15, which are also divisors of 15.)

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