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Thank you for raising concerns about the licensing of Diskernet. I understand that the Polyform Strict License 1.0.0 may be unfamiliar to some users, but I believe that it offers several benefits.

First, my licensing protects my rights as the creator of Diskernet. I want to ensure that my hard work is not used or modified without my permission, especially in commercial settings. I believe this is a fair and reasonable request.

Second, my licensing allows individuals to use Diskernet for free for personal use. This means that anyone can download and use the tool to improve their own browsing experience, without any cost or obligation.

Third, my licensing allows businesses and organizations to purchase a license and use Diskernet for their own purposes. This allows me to continue improving and supporting the tool, while also providing businesses with a valuable tool for archiving and organizing their online content.

I understand that the Polyform Strict License may not be the most common licensing approach, but I believe it offers a good balance between the interests of the open source community and my rights as the creator of Diskernet. I hope you will consider giving my tool a try, and I believe you'll find it to be a valuable addition to your online browsing experience.

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