C/C++ can be taken to extremes with preprocessor abuse. If you've never looked at the obfuscated C programming contests, then you should. As far as Scala DSL's go, didn't somebody post one the other day that made an ascii art picture of a Christmas tree into a valid scale program? Isn't there also a Scala DSL that lets you make it look like basic?
Sure, there are languages that don't let you get at the meta, but just because the ones that let you do can be abused does not invalidate the usefulness of the notion.
However, it's at least partly taking advantage of the fact that normal Haskell actually looks (in shape, anyhow) vaguely like basic as is. At the very least, Haskell doesn't force you to use parenthesis or braces everywhere.
Sure, there are languages that don't let you get at the meta, but just because the ones that let you do can be abused does not invalidate the usefulness of the notion.