It really appears to have a default style or bland, corporate nothing-speak to it. It can write perfect emails crammed with every platitude and all in completely sterility, unless prompted otherwise.
It can already write better HR-friendly pap than I ever could, and it can churn it out by the thousands of words.
I'm very impressed by the power of "mere statistics" to construct dead-eyed language like the aliens in Blindsight. But, more than that, I'm grateful that I'm not employed to write such text in the first place. While there's an incoming boon for slackers who can just fire off a prompt email with a little bit of proofreading, there's a long run pinch on people who are employed just to talk nothings all day. Those who remain will have to watch over hundreds of thousands of words spraying out per day.
It can already write better HR-friendly pap than I ever could, and it can churn it out by the thousands of words.
I'm very impressed by the power of "mere statistics" to construct dead-eyed language like the aliens in Blindsight. But, more than that, I'm grateful that I'm not employed to write such text in the first place. While there's an incoming boon for slackers who can just fire off a prompt email with a little bit of proofreading, there's a long run pinch on people who are employed just to talk nothings all day. Those who remain will have to watch over hundreds of thousands of words spraying out per day.