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most of their ads show some woman exhibiting reluctance to undressing, and then the men around her coercing her to do so anyways. of course they're misogynist.

But of course, you have to understand that it's part of the company's philosophy. This is the same CEO that came out in favor of waterboarding: http://www.metafilter.com/42906/Dear-Bob-Im-glad-youre-not-i...

the same CEO that goes elephant hunting: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/31/bob-parsons-godaddy...

supporting SOPA fits in line with that philosophy. The one thing waterboarding, elephant hunting, SOPA and their misogynistic ads have in common is the element of using force against those who are far weaker than you are.

See harrylove's definition of misogynist below this. It's not a word that should be doled out frequently... just because an ad appreciates the female form.

Oh? I only remember their Superbowl ads, with a woman very willing to take her clothes off, and men having heart attacks etc. around her.



my IQ dropped just looking for these. I can't wait for the end of this company.

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