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No matter what they say, GoDaddy hasn't reversed their position until they do so in front of Congress and publicly withdraw their letter of support from the judiciary committee hearings.

I agree. This boycott is starting to make a difference, but it's too early to declare victory. We've made it this far, we shouldn't give up so easily. If we buy this PR talk without further questions, then we're fooling ourselves to think we won, and we're setting a bad example. They did a lot in favor of SOPA, if they mean what they just said, then they need to do something against it. If not, it's meaningless and we got fooled.

The boycott should continue until they either take - or announce their plan of - action. Until they do, this PR talk is nothing more than that.

what could they say? we know sopa would make us some money but even before it's legilated it started to cost us money than we had to withdrew our support?

"After further analysis it has become clear that SOPA is not constitutional and we cannot, in good faith, support this bill?"

hear hear.

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