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I've noticed they are directly tweeting to people like @aplusk and @photomatt, trying to get the word out. Obviously the community has made a dent in their bottom line.

Well not necessarily.

Bad publicity has an impact all its own at most companies. For example, they have a whole Marketing department trying to get their name out there in a positive light. When their phones light up with every member of the press wanting quotes (press contacts they've spent years working on their relationship with) the executives have to get together and talk about it and come up with a unified response that won't blow up on them like CarrierIQ.

It's a big big deal for a public-facing company. Bigger than, say, a small decrease in the rate of new $2 account customers.

One of the ones they tweeted to was Jimmy Wales, who had just tweeted "I am proud to announce that the Wikipedia domain names will move away from GoDaddy. Their position on #sopa is unacceptable to us."

Wonder if they'll follow through now?

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