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They are simply NOT trustworthy.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...you can't get fooled again, once you're fooled. ~George W. Bush.

The man said it himself. They are not trustworthy.

For the sake of completeness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwxTRNzLZ9M

Do they actually say that in Tennessee?


I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, but I am not 100% on that, hence the question.

I've met the CEO a couple of times, and I'd say he basically brags about exploitative they are.

Have to say I'm shocked at how many tech savvy people use them. Didn't realize how convincing Danica Patrick is I guess.

I don't know how tech saavy I am, but I continue to use them because they provide low cost Windows based hosting which is relatively easy to use. Every time I look for an alternative, a comparable level of services is significantly more expensive at other providers. I wish it weren't the case, but it is.

This is the first rational explanation I've seen for this, so I voted it up. I'd be interested in hearing alternative solutions, if only for your sake :).

I don't play around with domain control much, so don't keep myself informed, but if I were to register domains, it doesn't matter how cheap (or free!) GoDaddy was, just having seen their Superbowl ads, they're clearly not a company that intends to be taken seriously.

You can get away with that with beer ads because beer is basically entertainment. But domains are part of business, a core block. You need that to be reliable and serious. Doesn't mean your ads need to be po-faced, but it does mean that you have to exhibit some nod towards indicating you're a professional company. Nice tits are nice tits, but that doesn't make me confident in the technical nous - or perhaps more importantly, intended direction - of an internet company.

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