Then we still end up here: someone who's naturally skilled gets some lucky kills, and the Computer Says No, so now he's out a game license. Appealing modern anticheat decisions is hard enough, but once it's less "the computer noticed your memory-editing" and more "the computer decided you need to be banned", it'll be impossible. TFA seems to suggest that future is Real Soon, if not now.
So go play games with dedicated servers, and local admins who can only locally ban anyone suspect. If players don't like it they can leave for another dedicated server.
This is currently very common for chess. Comparing players with AI decisions. It's less "You got lucky today, you're banned" and more "your movements matched up with AI patterns for a long time, so you're trust score has been lowered and you'll be put with other low trust players for a while".
There is more data than just win/lose here. Using ML you can analyze exactly how the player moves, etc and get some kind of probability
Hey, you'd better go let OP know that everything's OK! Me, I think that chess, a turn-based, 2D game which uses the same "map" every time, might have a few fewer inputs to analyze than an FPS, but what do I know.
So go play games with dedicated servers, and local admins who can only locally ban anyone suspect. If players don't like it they can leave for another dedicated server.