I don’t eat meat, I’ve never driven a car, I don’t fly in airplanes, I don’t have kids, and I live in a tiny apartment. How many of those are true for you?
I’ll allow myself the planet-killing indulgence of the jacket — which pales in comparison to those other steps I’ve taken.
Plus, I have a chronic illness that will already likely significantly shorten my life anyway. I’m not too worried about the health effects of a jacket that I wear 75 days a year.
If humanity up and disappeared tomorrow, most of the environmental damage from cars, overpopulation, etc. would sort itself out in a couple of hundred years.
PFAS, however, are extremely chemically stable and some of them will still be around in 1,000+ years time. They also bioaccumulate, and biomagnification occurs in predators (similar to mercury). It is a massive problem and the repercussions will be with us for a very long time.
If you don't care about your own health, fine. But don't try and take a moral stance about caring for the environment and then complain about PFAS products going away. Being slightly uncomfortable while exercising is a very small price to pay for not screwing up the planet.
Life on Earth is what's special, not us. We're just animals, nothing more.
Given that multiple species can evolve to fill the same niche, I would expect that as long as life of some kind survives on the planet another species would evolve to replace us.
That’s the problem. The product isn’t made for you. It’s made for society. And society does all the things you listed. From a society perspective, the product is bad, for the environment but also for cancer. We can’t unfortunately have a supply chain where we sell some products to people that don’t drive a car.
> We can’t unfortunately have a supply chain where we sell some products to people that don’t drive a car.
You’re dangerously close to getting it here.
Why don’t we work towards developing societies where driving a car for any truly non-essential reason is seen as one of the most selfish and anti-social things you can do? Yes, this would be a massive amount of work. Yes, it would cost a ton. Yes, people wouldn’t like it.
But then we could sell all products to people who drive cars as little as humanly possible. A huge improvement!
> I don’t eat meat, I’ve never driven a car, I don’t fly in airplanes, I don’t have kids, and I live in a tiny apartment. How many of those are true for you?
as an earth-noid I appreciate the service you're doing for us here, we need more like you; but weaponizing those points makes the endeavor feel like a big exercise in virtue signaling -- I very-much hope you chose to live your life that way for a greater reason than one-upping someone on the internet.
I’ll allow myself the planet-killing indulgence of the jacket — which pales in comparison to those other steps I’ve taken.
Plus, I have a chronic illness that will already likely significantly shorten my life anyway. I’m not too worried about the health effects of a jacket that I wear 75 days a year.