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What I do on my work Thinkpad is disabling standby altogether. I just let it hibernate. Windows 10 and 11 are very quick at restoring. Not instant but good enough.

Exactly what I do on linux.

Save to to swap and hibernate (turn all the way off) on lid close.

It's like 8 seconds longer to boot back up - but It uses no battery and produces no heat.

Crazy how fast machines boot these days. I'm low 30s and still vividly remember the days of waiting 3 to 5 minutes for a machine to come up. Those days are gone - The value proposition of sleep is just really, really low right now.

Generally speaking - I'd rather have the extra 10% battery life per day over saving 15 seconds basically always - even when sleep works perfectly.

I can leave a machine for 5 to 10 days, and it comes right back up at the same battery I left it. A machine in sleep will be completely dead.

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