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All hail Grand Perspective back in the day, not sure who is carrying the "what's wasting my disk space" torch for free these days.

Edit: still alive! https://grandperspectiv.sourceforge.net/

I suspect it was virtual memory - the CoreML conversion progress was at 32Gi at one point and there's only 16GB in this laptop. That would explain why it was consuming 30Gi+ of disk space when the output CoreML models only totalled 2.5Gi.

Just used this again on 3 different computers, including mine. Works fantastically still.

Found a >100GB accidental “livestream” recording on one computer. Would have taken forever to find what was taking up all the room otherwise.

ncdu is the best in my book. TUI, supports deletion of files and folders, and very simple to understand.

GUI apps for this task like GP and the like are more visually complex than they need to be.

OmniDiskSweeper is a GUI that isn’t complex.

Good point!

One gotcha for me is ncdu2 going Zig and Zig dropping support for OS versions as Apple does.

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