>Most of our investments are paying off, and while we’ve always been disciplined in how we have managed our business and operational metrics, we were not as rigorous as we should have been in managing our team growth. That’s on me. As a result, operating expenses grew quickly.
Translated: The free money party from VCs is over. Across the board, it's OVER. Time for actual good businesses. No more spending $1.50 to make $0.60 and grow.
Hard times coming for a lot of people, and only some people that I feel deserve it. Overall, I agree. The Free Money Party is over and it's going to be a net good.
I do wonder how much of the shitty behavior we've seen in the past 10-15 years eventually falls back to "Whatever, we'll just get more money if we need it". I am optimistic of businesses that do their work and stay out of politics, that actually need to be competitive, that give a shit about customers because they really do need you.
Translated: The free money party from VCs is over. Across the board, it's OVER. Time for actual good businesses. No more spending $1.50 to make $0.60 and grow.
Party's over gents.