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It's not that the state is indeterminate it's that a programmer would have some serious trouble ensuring that it was possible to dump registers at that moment.

No, that would just be a software bug (and indeed, interrupt handlers absolutely can't just arbitrarily trust segment state on 8086 code where app code messes with it, for exactly that reason). The errata is a hardware error: the specified behavior of the CPU after a segment assignment is clear per the docs, but the behavior of the actual CPU is apparently different.

The CPU itself pushes flags and return address on the stack during an interrupt. If it's an NMI, you can't prevent an interrupt between mov/pop ss and mov/pop sp, which most systems will always have a need to do eventually.

Therefore, the CPU has consistent state, but an extra fix was still necessary just to prevent interrupts after a mov/pop ss.

The 8086 didn't have a separate stack for interrupts.

So, as I understand it, the problem isn't that code running in the interrupt handler might push data to a bad place; the problem is that the the processor itself would do so when pushing the return address before branching to the interrupt handler.

> the problem is that the the processor itself would do so when pushing the return address before branching to the interrupt handler.

I want to emphasize this point: when handling an interrupt, the x86 processor itself pushes the return address and the flags into the stack. Other processor architectures store the return address and the processor state word into dedicated registers instead, and it's code running in the interrupt handler which saves the state in the stack; that would easily allow fixing the problem in software, instead of requiring it to be fixed in hardware (a simple software fix would be to use a dedicated save area or interrupt stack, separate from the normal stack; IIRC, it's that approach which later x86 processors followed, with a separate interrupt stack).

> with a separate interrupt stack

Some detail here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/x86/kernel-stacks.htm...

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