I came across this article by V.I. Arnold : https://www.uni-muenster.de/Physik.TP/~munsteg/arnold.html which is rather old. But some of the points mentioned in the article can be related to problems in the classroom today also.
People have an idea that being abstract and talking in abstract terms creates some sort of elitism. But it hampers understanding and excitement at the nascent stages. Abstraction is required to tackle complexity. But that is not the all and be all of the domain.
It can be taught like other natural sciences starting with real life examples and building up. It is much more clearly written in the article.
I would very much love to hear about books or courses that teach mathematics in the way mentioned in the article.
Using math to solve real world problems is all well and good, but it has the same problem as teaching math in the abstract. The theorems and techniques are all handed down from on high, like some divine miracle given to humanity by the gods of logic and reason.
This works fine for the tippy top of the class who just take the material and run with it (I was once one such), but it loses everyone else. People need context. I tried to, as much as time permitted, give the historical context for the math I was teaching. To show that mere men developed it, that they were trying to solve a specific problem, that they built everything up on what came before.
I got great results. I wish I had more time to do it, but, well, when the department standardized end of course test requires that they be able to do n kinds of derivative rules and solve m kinds of integral, I only had so much time to talk about how Isaac Newton invented the cat flap.