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Hurl: Run and test HTTP requests with plain text (hurl.dev)
237 points by delduca on Nov 25, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 55 comments

A better url might be https://hurl.dev/

Hurl runs super fast without startup latency unlike a lot of tools in this category written in node. The plain text format can be checked in and this can be part of your CI process. Hurl can capture data from previous requests to run workflows and serve as a testing tool. The main downside is the lack of a GUI, although I imagine it being not that hard to do something like make a plugin for VSCode that will add a run button to the text file and display the result in the editor.

> Hurl runs super fast without startup latency unlike a lot of tools in this category written in node

it is really a problem with JavaScript engines, not Node or with the tools itself

I'd suggest taking a look at bun, which is built with fast startup time in mind: https://bun.sh

Ok, we've changed to that from https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl. Thanks!

re:VSCode; There pretty much already is one, looks fairly similar formatting too: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=humao.re...

One particular use-case for Hurl is that you can use the same file with REST Client to test locally and then add assertions and run it on CI/CD with Hurl

I recently switch from custom Bash wrappers around curl to restclient.el [1]. It has similar features. Especially nice is the integration with jq for fetching specific data (or inspection of results with jq-mode). And, whoever is inclined to appreciate it, the fact that I can stay within Emacs. No need to get familiar with a new UI/UX.

[1]: https://github.com/pashky/restclient.el

There's also verb [1], which extends Org mode.

[1] https://github.com/federicotdn/verb

I think maybe I would prefer HCL.

instead of:

    GET https://example.org/data.tar.gz
    HTTP/1.0 200
    sha256 == hex,039058c6f2c0cb492c533b0a4d14ef77cc0f78abccced5287d84a1a2011cfb81;

    get "https://example.org/data.tar.gz" {
      sha = "039058c6f2c0cb492c533b0a4d14ef77cc0f78abccced5287d84a1a2011cfb81"
Or, having a separate category for asserts:

    get "https://example.org/data.tar.gz" {
      asserts {
        sha = "039058c6f2c0cb492c533b0a4d14ef77cc0f78abccced5287d84a1a2011cfb81"
        status = 200
Or KDL (https://github.com/kdl-org/kdl):

    get "https://example.org/data.tar.gz" {
      asserts {
        sha "039058c6f2c0cb492c533b0a4d14ef77cc0f78abccced5287d84a1a2011cfb81"
        status 200

Not two days ago I had the thought that it'd be so nice if I could write tests that were just plain text HTTP requests, and that the assertions would be just be comparing the responses to stored plain text HTTP responses, kind of like how snapshot assertions works in the React world. From a cursory glance this looks even better than what I had in mind, can't wait to give it a spin.

Thank you so much for sharing!

Couldn’t you write such tests in the language of your framework itself? E.g. use the native HTTP client available from your unit tests?

That's definitely more convenient. I think it could be nice to have an additional test suite not written in the same language as the thing you're testing. It would force you to interact with your program the way the rest of the world would. Rather than relying on mocking, setting up test data, and reaching into the internals of your code, you have to set up your test data through the API. This wouldn't be feasible in most of work I've done in my professional career, but in an ideal world I think it could be beneficial not to rely on internals for testing, at least for some set of tests.

Yes, that’s generally a good thing to do. This tool has the potential to be much more useful for consumers of your service to document it or interact with it.

Rails has nice snapshot testing.

It’s not so hard to make this in any language. Just emit output to a text file and have a flag in your test command to overwrite the snapshots instead of asserting that the current output matches the snapshot.

I found that I didn’t even use assertions sometimes. I’d just check git to see if there’s a diff in the snapshots for refactoring

Can you elaborate on Rails' snapshot testing? Are you talking about VCR / webmock?

Can’t find the specific library I’ve used. But this looks similar


Great tool and documentation <3

Started investigating how it can be integrated into GitLab CI/CD in the most efficient way.

Simple - install Hurl using before_script every time into the used container image. Example in https://gitlab.com/everyonecancontribute/dev/hurl-playground...

Efficient - build a custom container image (the upstream container image behaves unexpected when overriding the entrypoint for CI/CD, need to investigate and create an issue) Example in https://gitlab.com/everyonecancontribute/dev/hurl-playground...

A quick example to check the website body can be achieved with

  $ vim dnsmichi.at.hurl 

  GET https://dnsmichi.at

  HTTP/1.1 200

  body contains "Everything is a DNS problem"

  $ hurl --test dnsmichi.at.hurl 

While reading the documentation and all its great ways to use assertions on response https://hurl.dev/docs/asserting-response.html and play with regex, and even built-in JSON parsing, I thought of querying the Algolia search API for HN:

  $ vim hackernews.hurl 

  GET https://hn.algolia.com/api/v1/search
  query: gitlab
  tags: front_page

  HTTP/2 200

  jsonpath "$.hits" count > 0

  $ hurl --test hackernews.hurl 
Not perfect yet, but shows the possibilities and maybe kicks off more ideas.

Will add more use cases, upstream PRs, and a blog post soon. https://gitlab.com/everyonecancontribute/dev/hurl-playground

KATT https://github.com/for-GET/katt is the same concept, but following the pattern matching philosophy. Written in Erlang, available as a CLI tool as well but needs the erlang runtime installed.

Code example: https://github.com/for-GET/katt/blob/master/doc/example-http...

Disclaimer: I'm one of the authors, thus biased, but the reason I'm mentioning KATT is that the low barrier of entry for captures and asserts makes it a nice requirement tool for non-techs to write complex API scenarios.

When would you use this over just curl? Genuine question. I like plain text where I can use it, but don't understand the benefit of this over curl.

My two cents (as a developer of Hurl):

- chaining requests,

- passing data from a request to another (with captures or with cookies, each file being its own cookie session),

- gettings resources and checking payload SHAS

- checking responses (JSONPath, XPath on body response, headers etc...)

- retry / polling scenarios (polls until a resource is created for instance)

- comments things (we use Hurl as documentation for APIs workflows)

You can do these things using scripts and curl of course. We appreciate having a tool that works locally on Windows / macOS / Linux and integrates nicely in CI/CD. Hurl uses a (very small) fragment of libcurl. curl is much much powerfull, we love it.

Why use a DSL and not your favorite scripting language or test-framework of choice for this? All the examples on the front page can be written in same number of LOC in many such popular languages.

- chaining - It's just code so put multiple get calls after one another - captures - Just variables. With sessions you can also get automatic cookie-capture. - Payload - Yes - Parsing responses - stdlib has json and xpath libraries that also can be written as oneliners. Html not always being pure xml is a problem, but can be solved with other libraries, like beautifulsoup. - Retries - a bit more hassle to set up but also doable with relatively small effort. - Comments - yes

What's missing would be benefits given by the declarative nature, such as more human friendly output on jsonpath assertions. But that's often easily extended with functions in the test framework and outweighed by the flexibility given by allowing you to extend the capabilities with more functions or put computations between chained calls or other external inputs/outputs needed in the tests. How often do you really need to test only the http call and nothing else?

Thanks for the quick reply. I've used curl on windows before calling it from AHK for quick dirty one off scripts. Hurl could replace that with the ability to chain requests. Thanks.

Can't this not be easily done using curl | xargs | jq + bash chained as often as you like

Emulating an HTTP session (with cookies passing) between request is more complicated for instance. Retry based on response content is doable but easier with a declarative format. jq is perfect for JSON response, what about HTML/XML response? Our testers prefer to write a text based declarative test, instead of a Bash script. It depends on your needs/backgrounds.

> Emulating an HTTP session (with cookies passing) between request is more complicated for instance.

Are cookie jars not sufficient for that? Curl supports those on its own.

Thanks four your reply - just had restful services in my mind when writing my response.

At that point wouldn't you want to use Python, Node, Ruby, etc?

Using a binary can be (in my experience, 99% of the time) an enormous convenience and performance boost over including a whole runtime for those languages.

You can get a worse version of this functionality out of IntelliJ's http client[0]. Hurl seems better for several reasons, although I wish there was an example showing a few more useful tricks:

1 - When the content of a JSON variable is an XML string, or a JSON string, detect this and format white space for readability.

2 - Support pulling either the entire request or just the body from a file, and looping over all files in a directory.

3 - Pull data out of a response, put it in an environment used by later lines in the script.

0 - https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/http-client-in-product-c...

If you like hurl, you should also take a look at Step CI, which uses YAML, generates tests from your OpenAPI spec and integrates with CI/CD


Disclaimer: I'm the original author

Written in rust, lets you define a series of http urls to hit and assert info about what's returned. i.e. a count of items in a json array, or a string value of one specific json string.


Show HN: Hurl – Run and test HTTP requests with plain text, curl and Rust - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28758226 - Oct 2021 (49 comments)


Edit: these are apparently not the same thing (thanks to johns for pointing this out):

Show HN: Hurl.it is back – Make HTTP Requests - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27026178 - May 2021 (15 comments)

Show HN: Hurl – Run and test HTTP requests - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25655737 - Jan 2021 (11 comments)

Make HTTP requests from your browser - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3439653 - Jan 2012 (66 comments)

Hurl is back: http://hurl.it/ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1881945 - Nov 2010 (2 comments)

Hurl - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1311146 - May 2010 (31 comments)

Hurl - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=818648 - Sept 2009 (31 comments)

Hurl.it is not the same. All the posts from before Oct. 2021 are a different thing.

Oops! Thanks! I've edited the GP to make that clear.

My qualm with this app is for a Linux user you can already build a system like that to yourself by simply using telnet and typing the HTTP directly down the pipe. The bonus is that you get to memorize all the protocol messages that way too.

The abstraction is provide better UX. Anyone will have to write stuff over telnet to provide chained requests, variables, assertions, etc. Once you do that, you basically get a reimplementation of hurl.

I believe the parent post was parodying the infamous Dropbox HN comment from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8863

Curl is a good tool to familiarize yourself with, but I've written test with curl and bash it is very cumbersome this is another level of awesomeness for that. If all you are going to do is connect to a server with some json, then curl is ok, I agree that nc/telnet/socat might be a bit extreme.

Hurl is not enough for some of the tests I want to write, i.e. testing sending a 50MB file, or dynamic content.


If you're going to do a single request or a few requests in isolation, curl is the way to do.

If you wanna do a full fledged testing suite, might as well using a proper scripting language or a test framework.

Hurl hits the spot between those two for me.

Nice tool. I’m just wary of learning custom syntax. Maybe could use the same primitive of existing unix tools and make the whole a lot more orthogonal and frictionless. Jq syntax for parsing json, awk for text

Some how I did small test and liked httpyac better, for being able to import requests from other files


Anyone compared both and have an opinion?

Taking this further, it would be interesting to see this applied to cloud infra descriptions for deployment testing. Yes, you can write it in a programming language but it’s tedious and this same idea would be applicable: Get a resource ID then make some detailed describe calls to assert that it’s provisioned as expected.

I recently found a BDD style tool that has native HTTP comprehension, which seems like it hits a similar area in the testing concept space:


Karate is extremely powerful and mature framework, but comes with a downside of steep learning curve and requires some Java-abilities to operate it

The Gherkin syntax of Karate is a matter of taste, although I prefer more declarative syntax

Haven’t tried it yet, thanks for the experience report - what aspects did you find tricky?

Agreed on Gherkin vs. declarative, a t depends on who the test is for. I’d probably only use Gherkin for APIs if my product was developer-focused (eg Stripe, Plaid).

Really impressed. The ability to chain the http calls with assertions is great. The one thing I would prefer is to set the environment variables also in the .hurl file rather than in a .env file. Also, how do you access the key of a nested object?

You can use JSONPath asserts on responses, for instance:

  GET https://api.foo.net
  HTTP/1.1 200
  jsonpath "$.books[0].author.name" == "Hugo"

Thanks for this - became a big fan of Hurl. Created a guide on Hurl for calling API requests and used the array technique with [Captures]. [0]

[0] https://www.ayrshare.com/hurl-run-and-test-http-api-requests...

Love this tool. Was very useful at a previous place and its Rust APIs were easy to extend

What do you mean exactly by saying "easy to extend"? There's no support for external "script", right? It would need recompile, which means branching the source.

Not as usable for testing, but verb.el[1] is a great tool for doing something very similar in org-mode

[1] https://github.com/federicotdn/verb

IntelliJ have that feature builtin IIRC

Yeah, this was my initial thought. It reminded me of its REST API format, which supports post-response scripts (written in JS) to e.g. set a variable up for an access token after an OAuth exchange. Hurl's post-response handling seems a bit limited in comparison.

I'm not sure if it can do the sort of web scraping (from the DOM) that Hurl claims to support, though. I guess you can run Hurl in CI, too.

It's a very good way to show folks how to use an API, and I try to check in these files to VCS. You can also write test assertions with it and it also supports environment-based secrets.

Hi I’m one of the maintainer of Hurl! You can capture data from the DOM using XPath and inject it in next requests (classic example being a CSRF token for instance). One thing to have in mind is that Hurl is working on the HTTP level, there is no JavaScript engine, you get what the network gives you, like curl.

There are a lot of similar tools (see this thread https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33287137#33296902), we try to focus on: simple plain text format, CI/CD integration, fast multi-platform CLI. Plenty of options

Very useful

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