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Did someone just reinvent Yahoo as it existed in 1994?

I hope so, it was useful then, useful now!

I don't think it's that simple. It was useful then because web discoverability was an unsolved problem, and web content was tiny compared to today. A directory sort of fit the need. As the web grew directories became bloated and hard to navigate, search became more useful.

This is more of a nostalgia or niche link list. It's not the same purpose as yahoo in the 90s.

I think that search engines like Google are unbeatable to find content that we already know about. On the other hand, those lists are great to discover what we don't already know about, such as new topics, etc. Just like the awesome lists on GitHub.

> Just like the awesome lists on GitHub.

My thought exactly, and also why I don't just search 'latest news' on Google every morning. Human curation is a thing. (not sure how much human curation goes into ooh.directory, but I'm pretty sure they don't use Google's ranking algorithms to surface links)

Hi, it's my site. I find the links by exploring*, and I add and categorise them manually.

* or "surfing the net", if you're old enough.

doing god’s work

> Just like the awesome lists on GitHub.

What are these lists you're talking about? Could you give an example?

Here is an awesome list of awesome lists on various topics: https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome#contents

Web discoverability was solved and then unsolved once again by endless SEO.

If you don't think it's useful for you, then don't use it. I like it, so I'm going to use it.

It's not a coincidence: there's a shadow of an exclamation point in the logo, and the color scheme hints towards Yahoo!'s trademark purple too.

And the name. Yahooh

LOL, that was my first impression! Obviously the milenials doesn't know about yahoo.

But well... the problem is almost the same: too few info == too much info => No enough info to make decisions.

Sorry to break it to you but I'm a millennial lol

Millennials? Or Gen Z?

The youngest Millennial is 26, so they probably knew at least a little when they were young about what Yahoo was.

Hey now, a couple of us remember! ;)

Yahoo is how baby me learned the word 'hierarchical'.

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