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> Just think about the shape of the function you’d want, then type that into Hoogle.

Do you really think this is a adequate replacement for proper IDE support?

All you work with is method calls? No free functions? No library functions?

I perform operations on stuff, if I don't know the name of the operation I intend to perform I clearly have some reading to do. Integrated look up for one specific class of operation which isn't even omnipresent in Class-oriented languages isn't a killer feature for me. Nor is structuring every module even if it's completely stateless as a class, just to benefit from IDE driven development a reasonable price to pay.

> Nor is structuring every module even if it's completely stateless as a class, just to benefit from IDE driven development a reasonable price to pay.

That's a question of language.

  object SomeModule:
     def someMethod(someRandomNumber: 42) =
        s"The answer is: $someRandomNumber."
     def someOtherMethod = someMethod(42)

  @main def entryPoint =
     val someTheory = SomeModule.someMethod(23)
     import SomeModule.someOtherMethod
     import StringExtension.*
     (someOtherMethod :: "No!" :: someTheory :: Nil)
        .fold("")(_ + _ + "\n")

  object StringExtension:
     extension (s: String) def printLine() = println(s)
     // Because methods compose better in a fluent style…
     // You don't need to read your code backwards!


That's Scala.

Two cute stateless modules. Nicely wrapped in singletons.

Not quite sure why I had to add the handy `printLine()` method to the String class myself, after the fact…

But as extending arbitrary classes with new methods without touching them is trivial, who cares.

(Frankly it does not compile. It says something like `Found: (23 : Int); Required: (42 : Int)`. No clue)

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