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You're not entirely wrong, but it's a very common radio technology, which anyone is free to use (even implement from scratch, with enough skills) with very few restrictions (which don't really affect state actors).

You may as well ban screws, lenses, explosives, radio, rubber, chocolate and internal combustion engines with this line of reasoning. What will it achieve? Russia won't stop using them.

Well, some Russian car factory stopped because they couldn't get screws. Also, they couldn't make their own screws, because the screw-making machine had wear parts which they couldn't get.

Of course they won't stop using these common components altogether, but the idea is to increase the cost of waging war.

Please leave this sort of pandering somewhere where it makes sense. Nobody comes here to read yet more state propaganda.

"Critical thinking is good; shallow cynicism, on the other hand, adds nothing of value to the community. It is unpleasant to read and detracts from actual work. If you have something important but negative to say, that’s fine, but say it in a respectful way."

Even if they wrote down something about forbidding military usage, there would be no way to actually enforce that if the country doesn't care about license, EULA, etc.

So all that does in effect is absolutely nothing other than political posturing.

It’s a relatively simple RF transmission protocol. We might as well try to ban FM radios from certain countries.

Everything has potential for military use if you try hard enough


Please don’t create new accounts for the sole purpose of writing comments like this. It makes for neither good nor interesting discussions.


You should read this


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